Introducing Aina.M Academy
Empowering everyone everywhere to care for and style
Afro and Textured Hair
The Beginning of Aina.M Academy
We know that learning how to style textured hair was not part of the hairdresser’s curriculum until 2020. Although this is amazing news there are still so many hairstylists that lack sufficient afro hair training. I really wanted to create an academy that offered afro hair education that is available to anyone who wants to diversify their business and obtain the skills and knowledge required to ‘welcome’ everyone that sits in their chair.
The Aina. M Academy has been in the making for some time, and I am so proud and excited to share my personal and professional skills regarding Afro and textured hair with you.
My Academy was born out of seeing many models having negative experiences within the industry. Due to a lack of knowledge, stylists have damaged their hair or they have been told: “There is no one here to cater for your hair”. This usually results in them having to do their own hair and makeup.

There is a lack of courses for textured hair and although I have textured hair, I also found it a challenge to look after my own afro hair as I had been chemically straightening my hair since I was about 12 (there will be more stories on my personal experiences to come).
During the lockdown, I created Afro hair tutorials for the Kristina Gasperas Academy. This made me wish that there was something like this for Afro hair, then I thought… why don’t I create this space?
So I did! :-). Even if I can empower one hairstylist to try styling textured hair and then, in turn, they provide a model with a great experience, or I encourage a budding natural hair enthusiastic to start a great personal hair routine, which will then empower her to wear her natural hair out for the first time and feel amazing, I will consider my job done well!!

Benefits of being part of the academy
For less than £1 a day, you can invest in gaining afro hair knowledge to grow your business and widen your client base to people of different cultures.
It’s great to challenge yourself and your hair skills and work with textures that you are not familiar with.
Aina.M Academy really is a great space to learn about Afro & Textured hair at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.

What's Inside Aina.M Academy?
- Bridal and creative tutorials on how, what, and when to style Afro & Textured hair.
- Hair conversations to get an insight into real-life afro hair experiences and hair culture.
- Tutorials from a range of hairstylists, so you can learn tips and tricks from other professionals within the wedding and hair industry.
- Live demos with interactive Q & A.
- A Facebook Community space to ask questions, get advice, and feel empowered.
- Opportunities to assist and work with Aina.M on projects and weddings, and more.

How to be part of this amazing community?
If you would like to learn new skills and be part of Aina.M Academy, do something amazing or share this page with someone you feel may benefit from knowing about this Academy.
Simply, share the love and help us make a change!